▍Date of Establishment

For the purpose of coordinating with associated trade for better relationship so to improve common benefits and to be in concordance among all, as well as to publicize a government decrees and to enhance contact with the academic community and to seek reform of our technique, this Union was permitted to establish on March 22,1953 by the Domestic Affairs under license number “台內社字第55號”.

▍The Successive Directors

Ko Ti Kuo
Cung Kung Co., President

Yao Tung Chao
Chung Pen Textile General Manager

Neng Ts’ai Cheng
Chung Hua Textile General Manager

June,1971~ August,1979
Leader Textile GeneralManager

August,1979~ August,1985
Tze Hou Tao
Seaward Wool Textile President

Frank S. T. Gu
GTM Corporation President

Fu Hou Jou
Seaward Wool Textile President

December,1997~ December,2003
J. H. Chang
I-Hwa Industrial V-General President

December,2003~ December,2006
Chih-Ying Chen
Chuwa Wool Industry President

December,2006~ December, 2009
M-N Chien
Seaward Wool President